Intel Core i7-8700
AMD Ryzen 5 4500
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Intel Core i7-8700 vs AMD Ryzen 5 4500. Specifications, performance, tests

Overall score
star star star star star
Intel Core i7-8700
Intel Core i7-8700
Overall score
star star star star star
AMD Ryzen 5 4500
AMD Ryzen 5 4500

What's the best choice Intel Core i7-8700 or AMD Ryzen 5 4500? Which processor is faster?

We have prepared a comparison to help you choose the best processor. Compare their specifications and benchmarks.

Intel Core i7-8700 has a maximum frequency of 3.20 GHz. 6 Cores. Power consumption of 65 W. Released in Q4/2017.

AMD Ryzen 5 4500 has a maximum frequency of 3.60 GHz. 6 / 12 Cores. Power consumption of 65 W. Released in Q2/2022.


  • Place in the overall ranking

    (based on several benchmarks)

    366 left arrow score
  • Higher turbo clock speed

    Around 11% better overclocked clock speed

    4.60 GHz left arrow 4.10 GHz

Positions in all rankings

Common positions Intel Core i7-8700 CPU in popular benchmarks, for comparison with other models.

  • Cinebench R23 (Single-Core)
    246 place
  • Cinebench R23 (Multi-Core)
    213 place
  • Cinebench R20 (Single-Core)
    171 place
  • Cinebench R20 (Multi-Core)
    194 place
  • Cinebench R15 (Single-Core)
    122 place
  • Cinebench R15 (Multi-Core)
    225 place
  • Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)
    379 place
  • Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)
    457 place
  • iGPU - FP32 Performance (Single-precision GFLOPS)
    727 place
  • Blender 2.81 (bmw27)
    131 place
  • Geekbench 3, 64bit (Single-Core)
    13 place
  • Geekbench 3, 64bit (Multi-Core)
    127 place
  • Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Single-Core)
    38 place
  • Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Multi-Core)
    109 place
  • Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (iGPU, OpenGL)
    32 place
  • Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark
    431 place
AMD Ryzen 5 4500 Reasons to consider
AMD Ryzen 5 4500
Report a bug
  • Place in the overall ranking

    (based on several benchmarks)

    806 left arrow score
  • Higher clock speed

    Around 11% better clock speed

    3.60 GHz left arrow 3.20 GHz

Positions in all rankings

Common positions AMD Ryzen 5 4500 CPU in popular benchmarks, for comparison with other models.

  • Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)
    370 place
  • Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)
    440 place
  • Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark
    498 place


Technical data
Intel Core i7-8700 Intel Core i7-8700
AMD Ryzen 5 4500 AMD Ryzen 5 4500
CPU family and group

Background information about the processors being compared, series, generation and market segment.

  • Segment
    Desktop / Server left arrow Desktop / Server
  • Family
    Intel Core i7 left arrow AMD Ryzen
  • Generation
    8 left arrow 3
  • CPU group
    Intel Core i 8000 left arrow AMD Ryzen 4000G
  • Predecessor
    Intel Core i7-7700 left arrow --
  • Successor
    Intel Core i7-9700 left arrow --
CPU Technical specs

Basic parameters such as number of cores, number of threads, base and turbo frequency, and cache size. These parameters indirectly tell about the speed of the processor, the higher they are the better.

  • Frequency
    3.20 GHz left arrow 3.60 GHz
  • Overclocking
    No left arrow Yes
  • Core architecture
    normal left arrow normal

Internal Graphics does not affect the performance of the CPU, performs the work of the graphics card in its absence or on mobile devices.

  • GPU name
    Intel UHD Graphics 630 left arrow no iGPU
  • GPU frequency
    0.35 GHz left arrow --
  • GPU (Turbo)
    1.15 GHz left arrow No turbo
  • Execution units
    24 left arrow --
  • Shader
    192 left arrow --
  • Max. GPU Memory
    64 GB left arrow --
  • Max. displays
    3 left arrow --
  • Generation
    9.5 left arrow --
  • Technology
    14 nm left arrow --
  • Release date
    Q4/2017 left arrow --
Hardware codec support

Built-in codecs used to encode and decode content. Significantly speeds up the required operations.

  • h265 / HEVC (8 bit)
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • h265 / HEVC (10 bit)
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • h264
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • VP9
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • VP8
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • AV1
    No left arrow No
  • AVC
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
  • VC-1
    Decode left arrow No
  • JPEG
    Decode / Encode left arrow No
Memory specs & PCI

Types, channel quantity of RAM supported by AMD Ryzen 5 4500 and Intel Core i7-8700. Depending on the motherboards, higher or lower memory frequencies may be supported.

  • Memory type
    DDR4-2666 left arrow DDR4-3200
  • Max. Memory
    128 GB left arrow 32 GB
  • ECC
    No left arrow Yes
  • Memory channels
    2 left arrow 2
Thermal Management

Compare the TDP requirements of TDP Intel Core i7-8700 and AMD Ryzen 5 4500 to select a cooling system. Note, the TDP value refers to thermal watts, not electrical watts.

  • TDP (PL1)
    65 W left arrow 65 W
  • TDP down
    -- left arrow 45 W
  • Tjunction max.
    100 °C left arrow 100 °C
Technologies and extensions

Architecture, interfaces, additional instructions supported by Intel Core i7-8700 and Intel Core i7-8700, virtual machine technologies and process technology.

  • Instruction set (ISA)
    x86-64 (64 bit) left arrow x86-64 (64 bit)
  • Virtualization
    VT-x, VT-x EPT, VT-d left arrow AMD-V, SVM
  • ISA extensions
    SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX2 left arrow SSE4a, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX2, FMA3
  • L2-Cache
    -- left arrow 3.00 MB
  • L3-Cache
    12.00 MB left arrow 8.00 MB
  • Architecture
    Coffee Lake S left arrow Renoir (Zen 2)
  • Technology
    14 nm left arrow 7 nm
  • Socket
    LGA 1151-2 left arrow AM4
  • Release date
    Q4/2017 left arrow Q2/2022


Performance tests CPUs

Based on the results of several benchmarks, you can more accurately estimate the difference in performance between Intel Core i7-8700 and AMD Ryzen 5 4500.

Compare the synthetic test values and choose the best processor!

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)
Geekbench 5 SC is a popular cross-platform performance test for desktop or mobile processors that uses system memory intensively
Intel Core i7-8700
AMD Ryzen 5 4500
Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)
Geekbench 5 MC is a popular cross-platform performance test for desktop or mobile processors that uses system memory intensively
Intel Core i7-8700
AMD Ryzen 5 4500
Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark
PassMark is a test suite that performs complex mathematical calculations to determine CPU performance on file compression, encryption and physics-related tasks
Intel Core i7-8700
AMD Ryzen 5 4500

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